Product Shopping

Written by JoelyLast update 5 years ago

Let users browse and buy your products directly in your App by adding the Product Shopping tab.

 This feature provides you with 4 new tabs:

1. Departments

2. Brands

3. Product Search 

4. Basket

You will find the Product Shopping feature in the Manage Tabs section under the "Monetisation" category.

1. Departments

Use the Departments Tab to create your different departments.

Here you can enter main department categories as well as subcategories.

To add main departments, use a box that lines up along the side.

Create department subcategories by using the indented box underneath.

Add as many departments and subcategories as you like.

2. Brands

Use the brands tab to add all the Brands you sell.

Click “Add Brand”, enter the name then click OK.

Repeat that process for all your brands then click Save.

3. Product Search

Allows users to search your shop for specific products by brand, department or keywords.

4. Basket

When products are added to the basket they will be summarised in the Basket Tab.

Use either the Basket or Product Search Tab to add products, manage shipping details and edit response messages.

Adding Products

If you have a CSV file containing all of your products and details, this process is completed much faster.

Click Import Products, upload your CSV file and Save.

To add your products manually, click “Add Product”.

Enter the name of the product, choose an image from the Image Library or upload one from your desktop.

Enter a product description, as well as the different options, the department and brand it belongs to.

Add a price, stock levels, lead times, SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) and optional YouTube Video URL.

Click Save once you're happy. You can come back at any time and edit this product.

Repeat that process for all of your products.

You can add and delete products at any point.

Payment & Shipping

In order to accept payments through your App via the Product Shopping Tab, you will need to set up your Credit Card Payment Gateway via the Payments section of the Basket Tab.

1. Hover over the Basket Tab and select 'Edit Content'.

2. In the 'Manage Shopping Basket Tab' Editor, click on the 'Payment & Shipping' section to complete your Credit Card Payment Gateway information.

3. From here you can select your preferred Payment Gateway from the drop-down menu and enter your account information.

4. Click 'Save' to keep your settings.

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