
Written by IanLast update 5 years ago

The Comparison section within Analytics gives you a breakdown of app downloads, opens, users, actions and revenue.

Each of which we will give you a brief description so you know exactly what it is you're looking at.

You can find comparisons between different metrics in Analytics > Comparison.

You can filter the statistics by selecting the Start Date and End Date.

 The statistics and graph will update automatically.

When you click on each metric, the graph will show you the statistics relating specifically to your chosen date range.

You can hover over each metric to reveal a further breakdown of the data, or click to see the data visualised in the graph below.


Clicking on the Downloads metric will show you a graph over a time period showing the volume of downloads.

Hovering over the Downloads tab will bring up the percentage of users who downloaded your app on iOS and those who downloaded on Android.


The Opens metric shows data of how many users opened your app over the given time frame.

Hovering over the tab reveals what percentage of your users opened your app via a push notification you sent them, compared to how many opened your app via the home screen on their phone.

Active Users

The Active Users metric tells you the volume of New and Returning users.

 New users being customers who have opened your app for the first time within the time frame, Returning users being those who have opened your app for the 2nd or more time within the time frame.

Hovering over the Active Users tab will then show you the percentage of those who are New users and those who are Returning ones.


Actions consist of chat messages, Takeaway Orders, Product Shopping and Form Submissions.

 This metric will show you the volume of the action/s that have been made by users, however many of the 4 just mentioned are relevant to your app's service, across the time frame.

Hovering over the tab, again, will show you the percentage figures of which actions have been taken by your users.


The Revenue metric, as you can probably guess, shows your revenue over the time period you chose to display. 

The revenue shown is what comes from Food Orders and Product Shopping.

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