Your First Push Notification

Learn how to make the most of your 30-day free trial by using the full capabilities of our Instant Plan, including Push Notifications. This guide walks you through the simple steps of installing your app and sending your first push notification. From scanning your QR code to composing and sending notifications, follow these easy instructions to engage your audience right away.

David Hall
Written by David HallLast update 1 month ago

Your 30 Day Free trial provides full access to our Instant Plan, which includes Push Notifications!

To send and receive your Push Notification all you have to do is Install the app on your device, and then send the push notification via the AppBuilder, easy as that!

Let me talk you through it.

Please note: To start this process, you'll need to begin your free trial. Haven't started yet? Sign up here.

Step 1: Installing Your App

Scan Your QR Code - Access your QR code here

Once scanned follow the on screen instructions to Install Your App

When you've Installed the app, head to your phones menu and open the App, You'll see a notification to Allow Push Notifications - Select Allow

Step 2 - Sending Your Push Notification

Head to the Push section on the left hand side of the AppBuilder or use the link provided here >

Once you're here you'll see a few different notification options, they're so cool, but for now lets kick off with Simple Notification, and then on the next screen "Send To Everyone"

Here you can compose your notification, and even add images (including GIF's), web links or links within the app

Example of how to compose your notification below - once you're ready scroll down the page and press "Save" in the bottom right

Step 3 - Task Complete, You've Now Received Your First Push Notification

Note: Push Is received within 5 minutes of sending it

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